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A grid system is one of the most useful tools that you can use to create a good logo design.

Here are some useful tips that you might want to check!

Created by astaamiye |
创建者 astaamiye |


The logo design grid system is pretty familiar in the creative industry. It is a term referring to a design system that appears with mathematically arranged lines or circles. The implementation of the grid itself is very common in every design and artwork, including in logos, brochures, web, print layouts, and many more.  

The grid system itself allows the creator and designer to take a step forward in creating the logo, making the design created more complex, faster, and also better. That is where the existence of the system is considered one of the important tools in supporting the creative process. It generally brings more intense help in the creation. 

Despite the grid being very focal and common in creative works, the implementation can be restricted. It goes with the fact that some of the logo design creators focus on making a unique representation rather than binding with mathematical measures of gird. Thankfully that is not the chase. These guides will help you understand what you can do with the system. 

Created by An |
创建者 An |


11 Tips On How To Use Logo Design Grid System
关于如何使用徽标设计网格系统的 11 个提示

  1. Understand The Type Of Grid 

  2. Start Every Design With Layout 

  3. Try Using the Shape Builder Tool 

  4. Pay Attention To The Symmetry 

  5. Understand Optical Perception 

  6. Add Angles Using The Grid

  7. Work With Different Sizes Of Circle 

  8. Create a Proportionate logo 

  9. Connect X With Shapes 
    将 X 与形状连接起来

  10. Don't Over Rationalize With Mathematic 

  11. Always Provide Blank Space


1. Understand The Type Of Grid 
1. 了解网格的类型

Grids in design come with varying models, composing the classic square, the unique square, and the advanced rectangle system. Each of those systems comes with different difficulty levels and uses, so it indicates that the designer does not need to use one over time. The key is to pick one that fully fits the needs and logo design ideas. 

Starting with the basic grid that came out with the proper angle and geometry, the system appears as rectangular lines. Most of the time, it is used as the most basic and standard idea. Logo creation using the rectangular grid system can help bring the best spacing, scales, sizes, and models. It helps especially well if the design creator uses manual drawing. 

Created by The Monochromatic Institute |
创建者 The Monochromatic Institute |


More advanced than the rectangular circle is the circle grid. When using the logo design grid system with circles method, the idea likely focuses on the blunt edges art. Apple and Twitter's logos are a great example of how the designer uses circles as the grid. The overall model almost has no sharp edges, rather composing varying circle-like shapes on the works. 
比矩形圆更高级的是圆网格。当使用带有圆圈方法的标志设计网格系统时,这个想法可能集中在钝边艺术上。Apple 和 Twitter 的标志是设计师如何使用圆圈作为网格的一个很好的例子。整个模型几乎没有锋利的边缘,而是在作品上组成了不同的圆形形状。

The triangular model has a similar use to many other shapes. It has its unique shape providing a unique shape to the logo design, which is another next level of creative trick. Despite the different levels of use and difficulties in the implementation, the usability itself is not too far different. 

Most of the time, the main function of using a grid system is to provide a clear alignment, gap, and quick measure of the design. When implemented and used better, the system can bring a significant sense of professional outlook to the logo design. Generally, it is a basic tool to help the creative process. But when used properly, it is a key to a unique and professional logo. 

Created by Gennady Savinov |
创建者 根纳季·萨维诺夫 |


2. Start Every Design With Layout 
2. 从布局开始每个设计

Working with a grid needs more than just a first try. Designers might need to use the same system over time to fully grasp how to fully use the tool. In many ways, you can always try to start every work and make a logo with a layout grid as a practice. Try to use a logo design grid system and be creative on how to use it. 

If it is hard to understand, try to pick some ideas and models from the online examples of how some logo designs are made with a grid in mind. It is not a surprise that the seemingly simple model comes with a very complex system idea behind it. The Apple icon's bite part is made and thoroughly thought out to capture people's attention. 
如果很难理解,请尝试从在线示例中挑选一些想法和模型,说明一些徽标设计是如何在考虑网格的情况下制作的。这个看似简单的模型背后有一个非常复杂的系统思想,这并不奇怪。Apple 图标的咬合部分是经过精心设计和深思熟虑的,以吸引人们的注意力。

Created by Alaa choichnia |
创建者 Alaa choichnia |


You can also find that the Microsoft Bing Logo is made with a pretty complex line using the rectangular model. It is not a simple abstract B letter icon. It is made with unique lining ideas which help the letter still relate to the icon. The use of angles and grid-based design is pretty complex and fun to learn, especially for professional-level work. 
您还可以发现 Microsoft Bing 徽标是使用矩形模型用非常复杂的线条制作的。它不是一个简单的抽象 B 字母图标。它采用独特的衬里创意制成,有助于字母仍然与图标相关。角度和基于网格的设计的使用非常复杂,学习起来很有趣,尤其是对于专业级的工作。

Getting used to the grid system is also a nice way to be used with the restriction or unique improvisation it can give. Logo design, in general, is pretty unique and varied. However, the creator needs to make one that fully embraces the company or brand's personality. With that, playing around with tools, intersections, unique shaping, and ideas might lead to a unique logo.  

Created by Daniel Rotter |
创建者 Daniel Rotter |


3. Try Using the Shape Builder Tool 
3. 尝试使用形状生成器工具

If you are using Adobe Illustrator as software, it is a great idea to use a shape builder tool. Shape Builder Tool is one of the features that allow you to create a shape quicker following the grid system. In general, the tools work by dragging the mouse through the grid and making an instant shape out of the series of lines you went on the system. 
如果您使用 Adobe Illustrator 作为软件,使用形状生成器工具是个好主意。形状生成器工具是允许您按照网格系统更快地创建形状的功能之一。通常,这些工具的工作原理是将鼠标拖过网格,然后从您在系统上的一系列线条中立即形成形状。

For a logo design grid system, this is a great use that you can fully utilize to make artwork. The idea is that the tool gives you a clear alignment of the angle, position, and orientation. Thus, it makes a more prominent work that looks less random. For a logo that has a lot of meaning, the system on the grid is a great hack for the designer. 

The idea itself is not only applicable to the common rectangle system; you can also play around with the circles or the triangle shapes. The use of a grid will eventually help you organize the design and avoid messy-looking logos. One of the best benefits is to maintain the gap between each other, which is a nice touch to make symmetrical imagery. 

Created by andstudio |
创建者 andstudio |


4. Pay Attention To The Symmetry 

As said before, you can use the help of a grid system to make a better symmetrical design. In this manner, you can also take a similar idea for the project. When you are trying to make a professional logo design, be sure you pay attention to symmetry. Even though some models employ asymmetric design, both symmetry and asymmetry still need a grid. 

Creating a more symmetrical design is pretty close to how the grid system works. You can count the rectangle or the tool as a quick measure. It is easier, considering you don't need to use an exact measure or sizing on the application. The idea itself is pretty good and fitting for a simple logo, but you can use the same system for more complex work. 

Created by Antonio Calvino |
创建者 安东尼奥·卡尔维诺 |


To make the image symmetry, you might have to count or use a similar amount of grid on every side. Make an example of using a full circle on the left and right. That will be the standard basic symmetrical design. But you can make a more complex design if you can consider the logo design grid system as the measurement. 

Even though you are going for the asymmetrical model, there are points where you still need to make it work with the tool. As an example, if you are trying to put more weight on the left side, that means you need to have more space on the right. In other words, make everything balanced regardless of the asymmetrical style or not.   

For example, you can take the chubby blue bird of Twitter's logo. At a glance, its focus is on the right side of the screen, where the bird is facing. But when broken down into a grid, the design also comprises a huge space on the left side. It does show an asymmetrical work, but the way it balances with space makes the logo design work memorable and versatile. 

Created by Patrick Tuell |
创建者 Patrick Tuell |


5. Understand Optical Perception 
5. 了解光学感知

As much as you want to work with a grid system to make perfect symmetry, there are times that it is best to work with your optical perception. The idea is most likely to focus on how you want the image to look like. In other words, creating a logo and its design should be started by following the ideation rather than aligning to the grid. 

In this step and guide, you will find the design rather crooked and lacking clean lines. All goes to the fact that you are not using the grid as a measurement. Sometimes, the initial logo ideas are made up of various imperfect circles, rectangular, or other shapes. You can adjust the imperfect rendition of the imagery later, especially with the logo design grid system.  

Created by Pujovski |
创建者 Pujovski |


 6. Add Angles Using The Grid

As you work with optical perception, try to make everything by hand. In other words, do a manual drawing to ensure some of the details are in before working with the grid. Take the idea that the system is a great helper for finalizing the job. Other than that, you can always do it manually or use the Shape Builder feature. 

Among many good guides working with grids, you will want to learn to add angles to the logo. It is not necessary, but adding an angle can turn into an attractive point in the design. It will be different if you are only using simple shapes with no changes or anything. That makes angles one of the great additions to the logo design. 

Created by Helvetic Brands® |
创建者 Helvetic Brands® |


Thanks to the logo grid, you can use the guideline and tools to perfectly make the proper angles. Take an example of 45, 60, 50, and 10-degree angles. With the help of a tool, you can also copy the same ideas without missing the degrees of the angle. It can be a good addition when working with a rectangle model, but it will work better for a circle. 
多亏了徽标网格,您可以使用指南和工具完美地制作出合适的角度。以 45、60、50 和 10 度角为例。借助工具,您还可以复制相同的想法,而不会错过角度的度数。在使用矩形模型时,它可能是一个很好的补充,但对于圆形来说效果会更好。

When you use the circular logo design grid system, the idea mostly relates to dividing the object into different parts without missing the perfect angles. Using the system, you got the chance to use the step grid to make the proper degree. As an example, if every step on the grid is 15, that makes two steps 30, three as 45, and so on. 
当您使用圆形徽标设计网格系统时,这个想法主要涉及将对象分成不同的部分而不会错过完美的角度。使用该系统,您有机会使用阶梯网格来制作适当的学位。例如,如果网格上的每一步都是 15,则两个步长为 30,三步为 45,依此类推。

Created by Matt Vancoillie |
创建者 Matt Vancoillie |


7. Work With Different Sizes Of Circle 

Another good example of the grid system used is the ability to fully embrace the golden ratio relation. Golden ration mostly refers to the graphic focal point, which comes with unique and different sizes of circles. Upon its use, the creator will make sure the design will follow the rules, making the logo have its focal point at one certain point. 

It showcases that you might have to work with different sizes of circles or random shapes. You can fully embrace the golden ratio by creating a square grid and making circles in different sizes. It makes the works look unique if you can put some design following the golden ratio. But if it is too hard to do, you don't need to make one. 

The golden ratio is a blend of square and circular models. It is pretty complex, but you can find the ratio on the internet as a way to make your logo design grid system. The key is pretty much focused on making a certain point as its focal attraction. You can see Apple's icon with its bite part located at the center of the golden ratio.
黄金比例是方形和圆形模型的混合体。它非常复杂,但您可以在互联网上找到该比例,作为制作徽标设计网格系统的一种方式。关键是将某个点作为其焦点吸引力。您可以看到 Apple 的图标,其咬合部分位于黄金比例的中心。

Created by initial.key |
创建者 initial.key |


8. Create a Proportionate logo 

A good logo design mostly comes with the idea of timelessness. It means the design is simple enough to be memorable but also complex to provide the real meaning or representation of the brands. Grid systems can be a great help for creators to make art that fully avoids the sense of randomness but still has a great styling in it. 

One of the best examples is Shell's logo, which appears as a simple shell shape. Despite its simple-looking design, the logo construction fully embraces the grid to help make a great balance on the uses of shapes, spaces, and gaps. The shadowy angles on the shells were made with precise mathematical measurement, creating an event design. 

It is similar to other parts of the logo. The design has a clear and rectangular grid as its system. However, the creator also employs a semicircle perfectly with the help of the system itself. The fundamental concept of the logo is genius and also easy to reproduce. Its logo design grid system makes the works memorable in the market. 

Created by Λmîn Najafi |
创建者 Λmîn Najafi |


9. Connect X With Shapes 
9. 将 X 与形状连接起来

The idea behind using the system can be fully translated to the use of Mathematic in the logo creation. The x mentioned can be something you use in the system. It can be the 10 pixels, the inches, measurement, or angles' degree, etc. Using X and mathematics can help work with more versatile works for the final uses. 
使用该系统背后的想法可以完全转化为在徽标创建中使用 Mathematic。提到的 x 可以是您在系统中使用的内容。它可以是 10 像素、英寸、测量值或角度度数等。 使用 X 和数学可以帮助处理更通用的作品以用于最终用途。

Think about scaling up and down the final work. You can simply multiply the x, and you get the perfect copy of the initial idea. It makes the design process faster and easier. It works similarly when you are trying to replicate some shape to develop the design. You can simply count the grid, multiply the number, and get the perfect size over the system. 
考虑扩大和缩小最终工作。你可以简单地将 x 相乘,你就会得到最初想法的完美副本。它使设计过程更快、更容易。当您尝试复制某些形状来开发设计时,它的工作原理类似。您可以简单地计算网格,乘以数字,并在系统上获得完美的尺寸。

Created by Usarek™ Studio |
创建者 Usarek™ Studio |


10. Don't Over Rationalize With Mathematic 

Even though the x helps create a more accurate mathematical number in the system. But it is also best to avoid being too rational. Remember that people love something unique. Surprisingly, that point of fun makes the design more memorable and adds to the sense of personality. Yahoo!' logo is the perfect logo design grid system example. 
尽管 x 有助于在系统中创建更准确的数学数字。但也最好避免过于理性。请记住,人们喜欢独特的东西。令人惊讶的是,这种乐趣使设计更加令人难忘,并增加了个性感。Yahoo!徽标是完美的徽标设计网格系统示例。

At a glance, the name of the product exudes a sense of fun and a whimsical greeting. However, the logo design is rather simple. But behind the simple work lies a great whimsical point. You can see that the two letters O are not of the same size. The exclamation mark is also crooked; this unrationalized measure makes the logo nail the company's personality. 
一眼望去,产品名称散发着一种趣味和异想天开的问候。但是,徽标设计相当简单。但在简单的工作背后,隐藏着一个异想天开的观点。您可以看到两个字母 O 的大小不同。感叹号也歪了;这种不合理的措施使徽标钉住了公司的个性。

Created by The Monochromatic Institute |
创建者 The Monochromatic Institute |


11. Always Provide Blank Space

The last thing you should consider when working with a grid system is the safe zones and spaces. In design, you will find that the safe zone refers to the surrounding areas of the logo design. Meanwhile, the spaces you can find in between or the gap is the negative space. With the nature of the logo being a small work, the model should come with properly planned spaces. 

You can check and simply see the logo design grid system gaps for its negative spaces or the safe zones. It works as a charm since it is easier to do. As you can simply count the box or the grids, you can also use the system as a proper measurement. Again, it is pretty simple, which you can do by counting or measuring mathematically. Whatever you do, use the grid wisely.

Created by DAINOGO |


Final Words 最后的话

To compile everything, the grid system is a tool that can be a great addition to the creation process. It can provide a great mathematical function, simple measure, and alignment tool for the logo. It works the best as long as the creator can fully use the grid for the project. The guides and tips given are some of the tricks that designers can do to create a unique, complex logo design.  